teacher with international students
Teaching English to Speakers of Other 语言s

在线 TESOL Endorsement for Teachers

Summer Application Deadline Extended to April 18

  • Offered fully online.
  • 课程 are offered in the summer.
  • Endorsement for Ohio licensed teachers.

马上申请  Request Information

TESOL背书适用于拥有俄亥俄州教学执照的教师,他们有兴趣获得英语向其他语言的教学(TESOL)背书. 那些没有俄亥俄州教师执照的人可以通过俄亥俄州教师资格考试来学习同样的课程 TEFL graduate certificate

程序代码: TESOL Endorsement Non-Degree Track - ND8887

交付模式: Offered fully online.

For more information, contact Dr. Gabriela Castañeda-Gleason.

关于 the Teaching English to Speakers of Other 语言s Endorsement


  • 在线:在线课程可以在暑期一和暑期二期间进行.

该计划适用于拥有俄亥俄州教学执照的学士学位后学生,他们只寻求认可,而不是M.A. in Applied 语言学 degree. 学生将修四门语言学课程:语言学导论, language learning, methods and materials, and a language teaching practicum. 语言教学实习包括50小时的实地经验,在此期间,候选人将观察和协助一名P-12老师,他在课堂上有英语学习者. 这种实地体验可以在学校或课外活动/俱乐部进行. Candidates are required to maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher throughout the program, and must treat students, 的同事们, 与导师保持尊重,并在课程中使用专业和清晰的沟通. In addition to the coursework, 学生必须成功通过国家规定的英语到其他语言的评估(俄亥俄州教育工作者评估测试#021),以便将TESOL背书添加到他们的俄亥俄州执照上.

Career Opportunities upon Completion

This TESOL Endorsement, which is added to an existing Ohio teaching license, 有助于增加知识和潜在的更高收入,以及确保一个教学职位. 在全国和俄亥俄州,对接受过英语学习者培训的教师的需求持续增长, 因为该州已经安置了数千名难民,并拥有大量的移民人口. 完成背书的教师有机会将其中的10个学分用于获得newbb电子平台newbb电子语言学硕士学位.

TESOL Endorsement 课程 offered in the Summer


How to Earn the TESOL Endorsement

All candidates are required to maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher throughout the program. 学生必须通过适当的俄亥俄州教育评估考试,才能将TESOL背书添加到他们的教学执照上. Candidates must treat students, 的同事们, 与导师保持尊重,并在课程中使用专业和清晰的沟通.

请注意: Upon completion of all TESOL Endorsement coursework, 候选人有5年的时间申请将该背书添加到他们的俄亥俄州执照上. After five years, all coursework expires and must be retaken.


Completion Requirements

  1. Minimum semester hours required: 14
  2. Required courses: LING 5500 Introduction to 语言学; LING 5750 语言 Learning; LING 5800 Methods and Materials in TEFL; LING 5920 语言 Teaching Practicum
  3. Field experience: Yes, 50 hours. 语言教学实习包括50小时的实习经验. Students choose their own field experience location. 现场经验必须至少涉及到与P-12英语学习者的接触, such as tutoring or teaching. 地点可以在学校,也可以在课后活动或俱乐部. 所有实地体验地点和活动都需要得到语言教学实习教授的预先批准. 此背书不需要语言教学实习教授的视频记录或观察.
  4. 论文 requirement: No
  5. Qualifying exam: No
  6. 综合考试:通过俄亥俄州教育工作者评估(021)将需要在您的俄亥俄州教学执照上添加TESOL背书.

Course Requirements


  • LING 5500: Introduction to 语言学 (4 credit hours)
  • LING 5750: 语言 Learning (4 credit hours)
  • LING 5800: Methods and Materials in TEFL (4 credit hours)
  • *LING 5920: 语言 Teaching Practicum (2 credit hours)

*语言教学实习包括50小时的现场经验. Students choose their own field experience location. 实习经验至少要与英语学习者接触, such as tutoring or teaching. 地点可以在学校,也可以在课外活动或俱乐部. 所有实地体验地点和活动都需要得到语言教学实习教授的预先批准. 此背书不需要语言教学实习教授的视频记录或观察. 实地工作时间可以在下个秋季学期完成,无需额外费用(需要预先批准)。.


Classes are offered as follows:

 Summer Session I | May 15- June 30

   • LING 5500: Introduction to 语言学 (4 credit hours)
   • LING 5750: 语言 Learning (4 credit hours)

Summer Session 2 | July 3 – Aug. 18

   • LING 5800: Methods and Materials in TEFL (4 credit hours)
   • LING 5920: 语言 Teaching Practicum (2 credit hours)

入学 Requirements

  • Current Ohio Teaching License
  • An overall undergraduate GPA of 3.0或更高
  • Brief statement of purpose (1-2 pages) by the candidate
  • 对于非英语母语者:最低托福:600(纸),100 (iBT),或雅思:7.0 overall average.

International Students

这个背书项目不允许在newbb电子平台全日制注册, and an I-20 cannot be issued based on admission to this program.



  • On the application form, select "研究生 Non-Degree/Certificate/Endorsement Application."
  • Under Program Selection, select the non-degree admission type of: "Licensure Endorsement,然后选择了 TESOL Endorsement (online) from the program list.

学费 & 费用

学费和杂费是根据注册的学时数来评估的, 俄亥俄州的居住权, 和程序.


该计划允许未参加语言学研究生课程的研究生学习的学生获得教授P-12英语语言学生的许可. Candidates must already hold a valid Ohio teaching license.

Program Learning Objectives

  • 候选人表现出对不同文化和语言背景的学生的知识和理解.
  • 候选人具备英语结构和用法的知识和理解.
  • 考生表现出对语言学习过程的认识和理解.
  • 考生表现出对美国第二(新)语言习得背景的知识和理解.
  • 考生在评估第二(新)语言学习者时展示知识和技能.
  • 候选人在不同语言学习者的教学中表现出知识和技能, including utilizing technology for their learning.
  • Candidates observe and interact with second (new) language learners.
  • Candidates keep current with research findings, instructional techniques, 和教育政策问题,并利用这些信息为他们的教学实践提供信息,并为英语学习者及其家庭提供支持.