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日本 出国留学: Chubu Exchange and the Iwate Global Engagement Project

96-year-old tsunami survivor thanks 俄亥俄州 students and Iwate Perfectural students and faculty for delivering water.

Learn 日本ese in 日本

Ohio University’s long-standing relationship with Chubu University in 日本 provides several different types of opportunities for 俄亥俄州 students, including study abroad, 交换, and the special service project in Iwate Prefecture devastated by the 2011 tsunami.

The program offers courses in 日本ese to students at all proficiency levels. Students may also take field trips and excursions during their stay. Qualified extended-stay students who successfully complete one semester of full-time 日本ese study in the fall may be eligible for internship opportunities and tutorial programs in Engineering, the Natural Sciences and Humanities during spring semester.

日本 出国留学 Iwate Global Engagement Project

This opportunity began in September of 2011 following the Great East 日本 Earthquake and Tsunami in Northeast 日本. In collaboration with Iwate Prefectural University (IPU), students from 俄亥俄州 and Chubu join IPU students on community engagement and service learning projects during the last week of September each year.

For more information on any of these programs, contact Dr. Chris Thompson. Applicants must have at least one year of college 日本ese or the equivalent and possess a minimum cumulative 3.0的绩点.



Fall, Spring, Summer, Semester, Academic Year.

Academic Credit

Ohio credit and/or 交换 credit

成本 & Scholarship Availability

Associated costs are provided on the program webpage linked below. Scholarships available, financial aid may be applied.


Helping a Community Recover from Tsunami

教师 and students’ latest project is an inspirational mural on a 48-foot seawall protecting Tarō, 日本, a city in Iwate Prefecture devastated by a 2011 tsunami that claimed more than 15,000人的生命.

Students at Chubu University with Sabraw