


The State of Ohio Office of 预算 and Management issues the 里程发还率 俄亥俄州赞助的奖项.  This rate is reviewed quarterly for grants that allow travel to be reimbursed.  This impacts funding received for travel on sponsored awards received from a State of Ohio agency including pass through funds.  Some examples of State of Ohio agencies include Ohio Department of Transportation, 俄亥俄州发展服务局, 俄亥俄州卫生部, 俄亥俄州艺术委员会, 俄亥俄州高等教育局, 俄亥俄州自然资源部, 等.


除最低经济舱以外的机票(例如. business or economy upgrade) is not allowable on Sponsored Funds unless an exception is met and documented. 联邦法规2 CFR§200.475(e)(1) require that airfare costs in excess of the lowest economy fare class are unallowable except when the latter would: 

  • 需要迂回布线;
  • Require travel during unreasonable hours;
  • 旅行时间过长;
  • Result in additional costs that would offset the transportation savings; or
  • Offer accommodations not reasonably adequate for the traveler's medical needs.

Exceptions for business-class or upgraded economy airfare must meet one of these criteria and be justified and documented to be allowable on a sponsored award. These exceptions require documentation and written approval by the 基金会计 Office.

请注意 newbb电子平台 Policy & Procedure is consistent with this policy and does not allow for an airfare upgrade.


All international travel, funded by the federal government must be in compliance with the 飞美国法.  The 飞美国法 dictates that any foreign air travel that is financed by federal funds must be booked on U.S. 载旗航空公司,不计成本或方便. This regulation must be followed by all 俄亥俄州 personnel, 学生, 学员, consultants and collaborators who are reimbursed for air travel with federally primed or federal pass through funds

请参阅 飞美国法 and 开放天空 Agreements Guidance (Word) 查阅更多有关美国的资料.S旗航空公司, 美国飞行法案豁免清单, and a flow chart on air travel from the US to a foreign country on Federal funds.

It is highly recommended that you book your international travel, when federally funded, through the 大学差旅管理公司. This travel company is well versed in the 飞美国法. Please be sure to advise them that your trip is federally funded.

It is the Principal Investigator’s (PI) or his/her designee’s responsibility to ensure that all air travel charged to federally primed or federal pass through awards are in compliance with this regulation.

俄亥俄州  requires travelers who will be reimbursed from federal grants or contracts to use U.S. flag air carrier service, consistent with the 飞美国法. Some of the exceptions that may apply include:

  1. 当使用U.S. carrier service would extend travel time (including delay at origin) by 24 hours or more;
  2. When the costs of transportation are reimbursed in full by a third party, such as a foreign government or an international agency; and
  3. 当你.S. carriers do not offer nonstop or direct service between origin and destination.

然而,一个U。.S. carrier must be used on every portion of the route where it provides service unless, when compared to using a foreign air carrier, 这种用法将:

  • Increase the number of aircraft changes outside the United States by two or more
  • Extend travel time by at least six hours or more
  • Require a connecting time of four hours or more at an overseas interchange point

请注意U.S. carriers must be used even if foreign carriers offer tickets at a lower price, 提供首选路由, 或者更方便.

Any exception to Fly America must be justified and documented to be allowable on a federal award. These exceptions require documentation and written approval by the 基金会计 Office and approved exceptions must be documented in the 同意 report.


An additional exception to Fly America occurs when an 开放天空协议 is in place between the United States (U.S.) government and the government of a foreign country. There are currently four 开放天空协议s - with the European Union, 澳大利亚, 瑞士和日本. It should be noted that there are limitations to the use of non-US carriers under an 开放天空协议 notably that the current 开放天空协议s do not apply to Department of Defense-supported activities and there is a prohibition against non-US carriers if a City Pairs agreement exists.


请注意 代码共享协议 与外国航空公司合作, whereby American carriers purchase or have the right to sell a block of tickets on a foreign carrier, comply with the 飞美国法 Regulations. The ticket, or documentation for an electronic ticket, must identify the U.S. carrier's designator code and flight number. 然而, some funding sources may not recognize code-sharing as being compliant with 飞美国法 regulations. When the specific funding source policy is more restrictive than the 飞美国法, 更严格的政策适用.