
馆际互借 & 文档表达

Log in to 馆际互借


If an item you need isn't available in the 爱丽丝目录 or OhioLINK,你可以  request it through 馆际互借.  We'll do our best to find the article, 书, 本章, 论文, or video from another library. 

  1. Place a request through 馆际互借 - ILLiad.
  2. You will receive an email when your items are ready for pickup.
  3. Pick up your items at the Alden 2nd Floor Self-Pickup Shelves.
    • 仅限图书馆使用请求(由贷款人指定)可在奥尔登2楼服务台使用.
  4. Return your items to the Alden 2nd or 4th Floor Service Desk.

Sign up to receive text notifications when your items are ready.

Return your materials to the Alden 4th Floor Service Desk. Please do not use 书 drops for 馆际互借 materials. 如未能按时归还资料,将被暂停馆际互借特权. 遗失或被盗馆际互借资料的补发费用由借阅机构自行决定. 

教师 & 工作人员: due to the nature of materials, 寄存申请将默认在2楼领取. 如果需要交付给教职员工办公室,请回复ILL通知或联系 ill@俄亥俄州.edu. Delivery processing will take an additional 2-3 business days. 

Can I Renew My 馆际互借 Items?

馆际互借的借阅期限和续借期限由所属单位决定. 要续借您的物品, log into 馆际互借 - ILLiad, or 电子邮件ill@俄亥俄州.edu.


文献快车是newbb电子平台图书馆提供的一项扫描和传送奥尔登图书馆文章和书籍章节的服务, the 音乐 and 舞蹈图书馆, 及图书馆附件.

  1. Place a request through 馆际互借 - ILLiad.
  2. 图书馆 staff will scan the item for you.
  3. You will receive an email when your PDFs are ready to view.

Loans to Other 库

 without OCLC access can place requests through our 网上申请表格. 如果您的图书馆没有帐户,并希望使用此服务,请发送电子邮件 ill@俄亥俄州.edu.

个人 有兴趣借用newbb电子平台图书馆的资料:请咨询当地图书馆馆际互借服务.


The Copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) 规管影印或以其他方式复制受版权保护的资料.  Under certain conditions specified in the law, 图书馆和档案馆有权提供影印本或其他复制品.  这些具体条件之一是,影印件或复制品不得“用于私人学习以外的任何目的”, 奖学金, 或研究.”  If a user makes a request for, 或者后来的用法, a reproduction in excess of “fair use,” that user may be liable for copyright infringement.  在下列情况下,本机构保留拒绝接受复印订单的权利, 在它的判断中, fulfillment of the order would involve violation of copyright law.

Frequently Asked 问题


How long does it take to receive an article request?

In most cases, you will have your document within a day or two.  然而, 等待时间可能从几天到几个星期不等,具体取决于所请求的文章的可用性和潜在的贷款人.

请求通常在一个工作日内由我们的工作人员处理. 在我们处理之后, 我们依靠其他图书馆根据自己的政策和程序来满足这一要求.

如果我们不能满足你的要求,你会收到一封解释邮件. 如果您没有收到取消通知,我们仍在努力完成您的请求.

How long does it take to receive a loan request?

In most cases, you will have your requested item within a week.  然而, 等待时间可能从几天到几周不等,具体取决于所请求的项目的可用性和潜在的贷方. 

请求通常在一个工作日内由我们的工作人员处理. 在我们处理之后, 我们依靠其他图书馆根据自己的政策和程序来满足这一要求.  借阅图书馆使用各种运输方法,所花费的时间也各不相同. 

如果我们不能满足你的要求,你会收到一封解释邮件. 如果您没有收到取消通知,我们仍在努力完成您的请求. 

What is the difference between a loan request and an article request?

If you’re looking for a pdf of a journal, magazine or newspaper article, those all fall under the category of article requests.  If you’d like the physical 书, DVD, score, etc., those items fall under the category of a loan request. 


按照U.S. 著作权法, 可作为文章或扫描件请求的出版物数量是有限的.  Below are guidelines followed by our staff:

  • CONTU 的指导方针 include the 5/5/1 borrowing rule. 这条规则规定,在馆际互借请求日期前不到5年出版的同一期刊的文章,在一个日历年内不得超过5篇. 意义, five patrons could request one article each, or one patron could request five articles, 在每一种情况下,这都将使我们达到该日历年的请求上限.
  • Rule of Two guidelines state that a library may request one article, 每一个问题, per patron of a journal title. 同一期刊上的任何其他文章都需要支付版权费/付费访问权. 如果您的研究需要一篇以上的文章,请告知我们,我们将为您确定获取这些文章的最佳方法.
  • Copies from 书 are limited to one chapter, or 10% of the work. 如果你需要一本书不止一章的内容,请申请借阅.
I received a cancellation notice due to copyright, but the other articles are particularly important to my research. 我该怎么办呢??

请重新提交您的请求,说明这些文章对您工作的重要性. 我们将与主题联络员和获取专家协商为您获取材料的选择.

谁会使用ILL ??

任何在newbb电子平台图书馆有活跃账户的人都可以使用馆际互借. 你可以 place a request through 馆际互借 - ILLiad.

How long can I borrow materials loaned through ILL?

到期日期由借阅图书馆决定,并且因借阅人而异.  如果借的东西需要更长的时间,你可以通过你的ILL账户或电子邮件续借 ill@俄亥俄州.edu and we will ask the lending library for a renewal on your behalf.

What can I request through ILL?

文章, 书, 书的章节, 论文, 缩微胶片, 分数, and films in physical formats are all regularly requested via ILL.

What is NOT available in ILL?


我想要一篇文章或一本书章节的PDF格式,期刊在奥尔登图书馆. 这可能吗??

是的, this is possible through our 文档表达 service. Submit your request through your interlibrary loan account. If the article or 本章 is available at Alden, the 音乐 and 舞蹈图书馆, 或图书馆附件, we will scan and deliver the pdf to your ILL account.

Do I have to pay anything?

如果退货的物品在取走后被损坏,你才会被收费, or if the item is lost/not returned.  The library covers lending fees and shipping charges.


You have 30 days to access your electronically delivered document.  我们鼓励ILL用户尽快下载收到的请求,以避免失去访问权限和不得不提出新的请求.  只要你需要,你可以保留你的请求的下载电子副本.

What items may be difficult to acquire through ILL?

教科书、新书、珍本/档案、参考书(字典、手册等).) may be difficult to find as a loan. 

While we do our best to find the resources you need, 图书馆可能有某些馆藏资料,但不流通或处于保留状态,因此无法通过图书馆借阅. 

I’m not near the 雅典 campus, can I still use ILL?


如果你是远程学习者,需要实物物品作为贷款,而不是在附近 newbb电子平台校园在美国,许多公立和大学图书馆都为社区成员提供了ILL选择.  

如果不能通过附近的图书馆进行馆际互借,请联系 ill@俄亥俄州.edu 在递交贷款申请前,检讨安排房屋交付的条款及条件.

Can students/faculty from regional campuses use ILL?

是的. ILL is available to OU students and faculty on all our campuses. 所有请求都在newbb电子处理,并分发到您所在地区的校园图书馆.