41.011: Grievance Procedure for Administrative Employees




January 22, 2021

Initiated by:

Colleen Bendl│Chief Human Resource Officer

Endorsed by:

Deborah J. │财务与行政高级副总裁、首席财务官兼司库  

Approved by:

M. Duane Nellis│President 

Signatures and dates on archival copy
  1. Purpose

    To provide a procedure for managing grievances of administrative employees.

  2. 政策

    newbb电子平台的政策是为管理人员提供合理的申诉程序,以对有理由的非自愿解雇提出上诉, and disciplinary actions equal to a suspension of greater than three days, and an involuntary demotion. 根据newbb电子平台政策40,任何员工的投诉涉及所谓的歧视,都将直接提交给公平和民权合规办公室.001. Performance evaluations, salary disputes, 因政策规定的裁员而引起的工作条件和离职纠纷 41.013 are not grievable. Employment separations for employees holding intermittent, special, research and term appointments are not grievable. 

  3. Procedure

    认为存在委屈的个人应负责陈述, in writing, 使用newbb电子平台行政雇员申诉构成申诉所依据的理由. The burden of proof rests upon the grievant. All time limits in this policy refer to workdays.  

    1. 投诉人必须在事件发生后10个工作日内,或在该员工知道或应该知道导致申诉的事件发生后10个工作日内,向该员工的直接主管提出申诉. 直接主管必须在七个工作日内以书面形式答复投诉. 

    2.  If the grievant is not satisfied with the response, 该员工可在七个工作日内向行政参议院主席提出申诉. Within fourteen workdays, 主席应任命至少由三名行政官组成的行政院特设委员会(申诉审查委员会), none of whom shall be employed in the grievant's department. The committee will review the complete record. 委员会将与申诉者会面,讨论委员会的权力和审查申诉的程序. If at any time the grievant is exploring other avenues of settlement, 委员会的进程将暂停,直到这些解决途径完成. If pursuing other avenues of settlement takes more than sixty workdays, the grievant must re-initiate the grievance process. The committee will notify the employee, the employee's planning unit head, 行政参议院主席在收到申诉之日起30个工作日内提出其建议. The planning unit head will have seven workdays to accept, 拒绝, 或修改委员会的建议,并将书面决定通知员工. 计划组长的书面决定也将提交给行政会议主席(由行政会议主席将决定转交给申诉审查委员会)和大学人力资源部局长.  规划单位负责人的决定是最终的,对申诉人和部门都有约束力.   

    3. 程序规定的期限,只有经当事人书面同意才能延长.

    4.  All meetings shall be conducted in executive session. 

    5. The grievant may withdraw from the grievance process at any time without penalty; the grievant must notify the chair of administrative senate in writing. 行政参议院主席将通知申诉审查委员会,并要求委员会提供迄今为止的工作摘要. 所有与申诉有关的记录将由行政参议院保存. 

  4. Guidelines for Administrative Senate Grievance Review Committees


    1. Review procedure number 41.011 in the Ohio University Policies and Procedures manual for guidance, giving special attention to the established time limits.

    2. Meet to review all the documentation, 从行政参议院主席处收到的病例记录和信息. 决定委员会可能希望联系与申诉有关的个人,以便向其收集文件和/或面谈. Notify these individuals to discuss their potential involvement in the process.

    3. 与申诉者会面,回顾流程并讨论申诉者的期望. 确保申诉人了解委员会是行政参议院的咨询机构, and it will only be making a recommendation on the merits of the grievance, not a final enforceable decision. 与申诉者一起审查委员会目前拥有的文件,并建议申诉者提交补充资料,如果他们愿意的话. 还应告知申诉人,委员会在进行调查时有权要求人力资源等其他来源提供文件, supervisors, and co-workers, 委员会可约谈与此事有关的个人. 告知申诉人,如果申诉人希望委员会审查医疗或心理信息, the grievant must sign a release; otherwise, this information will not be made available to the Committee. 

    4. 通过面谈和收集委员会认为必要的文件进行调查. Make a written record of the investigation, 请注意,这将被视为公共记录,并根据要求进行披露. Keep any medical or psychological information gathered in a separate file, 因为委员会不能在公共记录请求中披露这些信息,除非申诉人签署了一份允许委员会披露的声明.

    5. 如被投诉人或任何个人要求有法律顾问在场, advise them of the following:

      1. 这是一个非正式的程序,只会就申诉的是非曲性提出建议. It is not a final enforceable decision. 

      2.  It is not an adversarial process, 但这只是一个调查事实的面谈,因此委员会不允许辩护律师或律师在场.  Employee may have a support person present; however, this person is not to advocate, participate or engage in the process on behalf of the employee.

      3.  然而, if the individual wishes, the individual may bring a recording device to the interview, 只要个人按要求向委员会提供录音副本即可. 

    6. During the interview process, be careful to focus on the specific issue(s) contained in the grievance. 
    7. After completing the investigation, review all the information collected and researched, and make a recommendation to the chair of the administrative senate. Notify the grievant of the committee's recommendation. 提醒行政参议院主席将其建议的处理情况通知申诉审查委员会. 
    8. Keep in mind that, barring stays, the grievance review committee has thirty days to complete its deliberations. 


Proposed revisions of this policy should be reviewed by:

  1. Administrative Senate

  2. 院长

  3. cfao

  4. Office of Equity and Civil Rights Compliance