42.501: Decorations in University Buildings






Joe Adams | Associate Vice President, Risk Management and Safety


Pam Benoit | Executive Vice President and Provost


罗德里克J. 麦克戴维斯|总统

Signatures and dates on archival copy
  1. 概述

    This policy establishes the conditions for safe use of decorations in university buildings, 包括课堂, 行政, 以及住宅楼.

  2. 明火和阻燃性

    All decoration materials used in any area must be flame resistant. It is best to use foil or crepe papers that are purchased as flame resistant. No candles or open flames are permitted in university buildings with the exception of candles and "sterno" food warmers to be used for special occasions in dining facilities under conditions approved by environmental health and safety. Candles and food warmers in 餐厅 must 不 be left unattended by staff, and a fire extinguisher must be available and ready in the immediate vicinity. Environmental health and safety will  approve candles or open flames to be located where occupants stand, 也不 在过道或出口. Questions concerning any other type of decorations should be directed to the department of environmental health and safety.

    The use of live (or formerly living) trees or boughs is prohibited. They can不 be made safe with flame retardant materials. Artificial trees must be made of flame resistant materials.

  3. 照明和电气设备

    Electric lights and other types of electrical devices are to be in good repair and safely installed and operated. All electrical devices must be UL approved.

  4. 学生宿舍

    1. 学生宿舍装饰

      学生宿舍装饰 will 不 include any additional electric lights, or additional electrical equipment, 或者砍掉(以前是活的)绿色植物, but live houseplants are acceptable. This will eliminate such items as window wreaths and other lighted window decorations. If an individual residence hall has a proposal concerning window decorations for the entire hall, a plan should be submitted to the associate director of residential housing, who will forward it for approval by the director of environmental health and safety, prior to installing the decorations.

    2. 批准 locations for decorations

      No decorations will be permitted in public areas of the residence halls other than in the lounge areas, 餐厅, 单间门,以及公告栏. Decorations on hallway bulletin boards may 不 extend beyond the perimeter of the board. This prohibits decorations in hallways other than on doors to individual rooms.

  5. Additional regulations for all buildings

    Light levels and colors for emergency egress, 出口, and fire alarms shall 不 be reduced, 也不 shall those fixtures be covered or obscured.

    If there are questions, phone the department of environmental health and safety, at 593-1666.

  6. Methods of attaching decorations in residence halls

    Methods of attaching decorations are governed by one word - "damage." It is obvious that the results from a few nailings, thumbtackings, 诸如此类, 会很快要求维修吗, 所以政策是, “别." Most adhesives will either pull off the wall paint or leave a sticky residue which is extremely hard to clean. 政策还是“不要”."

    胶带 是 只有 adhesive permitted, and it may be used 只有 on the following surfaces and 只有 for a limited time:

    1. Glass - such as windows and mirrors. (Avoid potential warm surfaces, such as light bulbs even though you don't intend to turn them on.)

    2. Metal - which has no paint or enamel. The door knob, hinge plates on doors, and bare metal window dividers are permissible surfaces.

    3. Doors - it is permissible to use the top and bottom edges of doors. Do 不 run electric lines through sides of doors or where they can be pinched.

  7. Removal of decorations in residence halls

    It 是 responsibility of all students to dismantle and remove all decorations from the residence halls before checking out of their rooms at the end of the academic year (or when vacating their room, such as a room change or withdrawal). All such materials must be disposed of properly. The residence hall and housekeeping staffs have the responsibility and authority to remove or take down any decorations that in any way violate this policy.


Proposed revisions of this policy should be reviewed by:

  1. Vice President for Finance and Administration

  2. 设施管理总监

  3. Associate Director of Residential Housing

  4. 学生事务副主席