


newbb电子平台商学院会计学院的使命是为你提供一个有吸引力的学习经历. 毕业后,你将成为一名有前途的、正直的会计专业人士,为全球经济服务.  

会计 is an integral part of a dynamic business environment. As an accounting student, 你将获得一个强大的商业背景,并作为一个有前途的会计专业人士毕业,准备成功完成 Certified Public Accountant examination.

我们的会计学院有一种独特的课堂教学方法:一种基于问题的方法,向你展示现实生活中的情况,并挑战你进行以团队为基础的独立研究. 这种方法将使你比其他大学的毕业生更具竞争优势.

总之, 我们的学习和newbb电子理念为您提供成功获得实习所需的实用技能,从而实现有益的职业生涯.

Students that major in accounting will graduate with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree (BBA).

Internships And Job Placement
Average Salary Upon Graduation

Internships and Job Placement

在我们的2022名会计毕业生中,96%的人在毕业后的六个月内获得了就业或继续教育等积极成果. Many students have even accepted offers during their senior year.

会计学院和商学院与俄亥俄州和全国各地的会计招聘人员有着良好的关系. 事实上,大多数学生在大四春季学期之前就已经接受了录取通知. 

As an accounting student, 你将在每年的招聘活动中与会计师事务所进行互动. 事件 like the 俄亥俄州 Business Conference, Bowl-a-Thon Fundraiser, Annual Awards Banquet, and Golf Outing provide you with opportunities to meet 招聘人员, interact with hiring managers, learn about company culture, and cultivate great networking relationships. 



  • PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC)
  • Bdo USA 律师事务所
  • 普兰特 Moran


  • Managerial Accountant/Controller
  • 税务筹划分析员
  • 保证服务

会计 career paths are varied, with subsequent positions in public accounting, corporate finance and accounting, government auditing and reporting, not-for-profit accounting, 管理员职位, financial management and general management.

我们的会计毕业生在世界上一些顶级组织担任职务, 包括是, PricewaterhouseCoopers, 德勤, 毕马威(KPMG), RSM McGladrey, 克洛诺, 普兰特 & 莫兰,科恩 & Company, and many other regional and local firms. Our graduates are known to have opportunities across the world, including in Charlotte, 芝加哥, New York City and London.

会计 Advisory Board

会计 Major Courses

查看 会计 Major catalog page in 俄亥俄州's Undergraduate Catalog to see additional requirements, such as Individual Core Requirements or Business Cluster Requirements.

The following are some of the required courses:

  • ACCT 3040 – Financial 会计 and Reporting I
  • ACCT 3050 - Financial 会计 and Reporting II
  • ACCT 3100 - Managerial 会计
  • ACCT 3400 - Introduction to Federal Income Tax Planning
  • ACCT 4200 - 保证服务 and Internal Controls
  • ACCT 4400 - Single-entity 会计 and Tax Planning
  • ACCT 4500 -会计非商业实体和当代专业问题
  • ACCT 4600 - Multiple-Entity 会计 and Tax Planning
  • ACCT 4700 - Data Analytics for 会计
  • BUSL 3570 - Law of Corporate Governance, Commerce & 相关的话题


黛安娜Smullen, vice president of finance for Cameron Mitchell Restaurants


Vice President of Finance for Cameron Mitchell Restaurants

Diane graduated with a degree in 会计 and Finance from newbb电子平台. She previously served as controller of Herberts Powder Coatings, Inc., a $50 million multi-national organization located in Hilliard, 俄亥俄州. She was also an accountant with 德勤 & 讲得好!, 律师事务所, 在哥伦布, 俄亥俄州, where she performed auditing services for hospitality, manufacturing and distribution companies.

Diane于1997年加入Cameron Mitchell Restaurants担任首席财务官. 因为她是在餐饮业长大的,有丰富的酒店财务经验, 戴安已经被证明是卡梅隆·米切尔餐厅团队的宝贵财富. 她监督公司的审计和信息技术部门,管理公司的银行关系和商业保险.


Since we know that hands-on experience is the best way to learn, 我们鼓励学生在课堂之外参加各种各样的活动.

  • SOX 404 Fellows Program

    The SOX 404 Fellows Program is a selective, 参与审计newbb电子平台基金会4.5亿美元账户的独特机会. 如果选择, 你将在newbb电子平台审计公司的监督下工作,提供有关基金会维持一般会计准则的情况,以及对业务和财务信息是否有适当的管理控制的信息.

  • VITA税务准备

    Did you know that all international students who were in the U.S. 在过去的一年里,即使他们没有收到任何收入,也必须申报纳税? Filing taxes isn’t easy for most people, 但对于国际学生来说,在复杂的美国大学学习尤其具有挑战性.S. 税收制度. 每年, 会计系的学生通过志愿者国际税务援助计划帮助国际学生报税.

Student Organizations

Beta Alpha Psi – Alpha Kappa

Beta Alpha Psi是金融信息专业人士的国家荣誉组织. 它成立于1919年,旨在鼓励和表彰会计领域的学术和专业卓越. 多年来,这个兄弟会已经发展到包括金融和信息系统专业的学生. 阿尔法卡帕分会于1952年在newbb电子平台成立,自那以来一直是雅典社区最积极参与的组织之一.


会计俱乐部是为还没有资格加入贝塔·阿尔法·普赛的会计专业学生开设的. Members attend Beta Alpha Psi functions and meetings.

Alpha Kappa Psi

Alpha Kappa Psi is the oldest fraternity in the nation. 它的成员提供了兄弟情谊,领导,团结和教育的机会. Alpha Kappa Psi向所有对专业发展和兄弟会社会方面感兴趣的商业专业和未成年人开放. 在获得正式会员资格之前,需要参加为期10周的承诺计划. Dues are $115 each fall and winter quarter. Attendance at weekly meetings is required.


俄亥俄州 商界女性 (OWIB) provides outstanding support, 发展, and sense of community to women interested in pursuing careers in business. The organization focuses on attracting, 发展中, and launching highly talented women into the business world. OWIB通过每月的演讲嘉宾和教育研讨会来发展会员. For more information on how to get involved, contact: Liz Doyle at ed962710@俄亥俄州.edu.


We also prepare students for exceptional graduate programs, like 俄亥俄州’s Master of Accountancy and Analytics. 学生可以选择作为本科生开始攻读研究生学位,并在三个学期内完成硕士学位.


In 1995, 俄亥俄州's School of Accountancy 获得了美国高等商学院协会的独立认证. AACSB认证是商业教育质量的基准,保证你得到了高质量的教育, recognized by employers, 招聘人员, and graduate schools as the best in business education worldwide.

“As soon as I stepped foot on College Green, I knew this was the school for me. The campus is breathtaking and everyone is so nice and friendly. 这是一个真正的newbb电子平台家庭,每个人都想要见面,互相帮助. The 商学院 is well-ranked and respected. 我喜欢会计课程注重newbb电子而不是理论. 我知道,通过选择俄亥俄,我将为我的职业生涯做好充分的准备,并在这个过程中获得乐趣." 佩奇Fitzwater

Discover Your Potential.
