

Assistant Professor of Marketing; Associate Director for 学者, Center for Consumer 研究 & Analytics (CRA); Assistant Director, Copeland Scholars Honors Program
科普兰409 c


  • Ph.D. Business Administration, Marketing, University of Georgia, 2019
  • M.S. Marketing, Marketing Analytics, University of Alabama, 2014
  • B.S. Business Administration, Marketing and Social Entrepreneurship, Samford University, 2008


  • Consumer-based marketing strategy
  • 社交购物 
  • Online firm-consumer interactions
  • 消费者和公司策展


  • 维克斯,杰西卡·巴宾, 基思·马里昂·史密斯, 约翰·胡兰(2021), “Consumer Brand Curation on Social Shopping Sites,” Journal of Business 研究, 133, 399-408. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0148296321003398?via%3Dihub
  • Hartman, Katie, Jacob Hiler, 杰西卡Babin, 亚当·赫普沃斯(2020), “CSR and Gen Z: Expectations and Consumption Behaviors by Cause, “Journal of Management and Marketing 研究, 24, 1-9.
  • Babin,杰西卡 约翰·胡兰(2019), “Exploring Online Consumer Curation as User-Generated Content: A Framework and Agenda for Future 研究, with Implications for Brand Management,” Spanish Journal of Marketing – ESIC, 23 (3), 325-337. http://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/SJME-07-2019-0053/full/html
  • Tashman, Peter, 瓦伦提娜 Marano, and 杰西卡Babin (2019), “Firm-Specific Assets and the Internationalization-Performance Relationship in the U.S. Movie Studio Industry,” International Business Review, 28, 785-795. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0969593118303706?via%3Dihub
  • Hulland, John, 基思·马里昂·史密斯, and 杰西卡Babin (2018), “所有权,” The SAGE Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development, Thousand Oaks: SAGE 出版物, 公司., 1562-1564. (特邀书籍章节)



  • Society for Marketing Advances, November 2021. 维克斯,杰西卡·巴宾, 基思·马里昂·史密斯, 还有莎拉·阿尔胡提, “Tricks of the Trade: Exploring the Phenomenon of Consumer-to-Consumer Online Bartering,“奥兰多, FL
  • Academy of Marketing Science, June 2021. 分为, 丽莎, 凯文·蔡斯, 杰西卡·巴宾·威克斯, “Algorithmic Bias: Exploring Consumer Perceptions of Bias in Digital Curation,“在线
  • Academy of Marketing Science, December 2020. Babin,杰西卡 和基思·马里昂·史密斯, “Consumer Curation on Social Shopping Sites,“在线
  • Academy of Marketing Science, December 2020. Babin,杰西卡, Rosanna史密斯, 和约翰·胡兰, “When Humanization Backfires - Consumer Preference for Algorithmic Product Curation,“在线
  • Americas Conference on Information Systems, July 2020. 微量, 德里克。, 维克马特, 杰西卡Babin, 还有丽莎·比勒, “Online Food Delivery: How Do Service Failures Impact Behavioral Loyalty?“在线
  • Association of Consumer 研究, October 2019. Babin,杰西卡, Rosanna史密斯, 和约翰·胡兰, “When Humanization Backfires: Consumer Preference for Algorithmic Product Curation” poster, 亚特兰大, GA
  • Global Fashion Management Conference, July 2019. Babin,杰西卡, 约翰Hulland, 和基思·马里昂·史密斯, “Consumer Curation on Social Shopping Sites,“巴黎, 法国
  • Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, June 2018. Marano, 瓦伦提娜, 彼得Tashman, 杰西卡·巴宾, “国际化, 大片, Profits and 奖: Hollywood’s Take on Managing Conflicting Institutional Logics,“明尼阿波里斯市, MN
  • Brands and Brand Relationships Conference, May 2018. Babin,杰西卡, 约翰Hulland, 和基思·马里昂·史密斯 “Consumer Curation on Social Shopping Sites,波士顿大学, 波士顿, MA
  • Southeast Marketing Symposium, February 2018. Babin,杰西卡, Rosanna史密斯, 和约翰·胡兰, “Exploring Effective Firm Curation of Subscription Boxes,阿拉巴马大学, 塔斯卡卢萨, AL
  • INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, June 2017. Babin,杰西卡, 约翰Hulland, Anindita的查克推瓦蒂, 还有萨拉·洛伦·多默, “How Platform Firms Can Accelerate Purchases: Insights from Consumer 搜索,” University of 南部 California, 洛杉矶, CA
  • JAMS Thought Leaders’ Conference, May 2017. Babin,杰西卡, 约翰Hulland, Anindita的查克推瓦蒂, 还有萨拉·洛伦·多默, “How Platform Firms Can Accelerate Purchases: Insights from Consumer 搜索,“自由大学, 阿姆斯特丹, 荷兰
  • Academy of International Business Northeast Conference, October 2016. Marano, 瓦伦提娜, 彼得Tashman, 杰西卡·巴宾, “国际化, 大片, Profits and 奖: Hollywood’s Take on Managing Conflicting Institutional Logics,天普大学, 费城, PA
  • Brands and Brand Relationships Conference, May 2016. Babin, 杰西卡和约翰·胡兰, “作为策展人的公司,” Doctoral 研究 Mentor Workshop participant, Ivey Tangerine 领导 Centre, 多伦多, 加拿大

  • University of Georgia Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, 2018
  • AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium Student Fellow, 2018


杰西卡Babin 周 is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at newbb电子平台, where she teaches Marketing 研究. She serves as an Associate Director and 教师 Advisor for the Center for Consumer 研究 and Analytics at newbb电子平台. She received her PhD from the University of Georgia, her Master’s in Marketing Analytics from the University of Alabama, and her undergraduate degrees (in Business Administration and French) from Samford University (Birmingham, 阿拉巴马州). Before returning to academia, 杰西卡 worked as a research analyst for a marketing research firm, conducting both qualitative and quantitative research projects for business clients. Her research interests include consumer-based strategy, 社交购物, and firm and consumer curation. Her work has been published in journals including the Journal of Business 研究 and International Business Review and has been presented at conferences including Academy of Marketing Science and Society for Marketing Advances.