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化学 & 生物化学 Colloquia


1月. 17, Nigel Priestley | Antibiotic / Anticancer Drug Discovery

1月. 31, Milind Deshpande, 化学 Colloquia

2月. 14, Paul Benedict, 化学 Colloquium


9月. 13, Wenyang Gao, Sustainable and Distinctive Access to Metal-Organic Frameworks Applications

10月. 4, Korie Sell, Technology Commercialization

10月. 11, David Powers, Making, Seeing, and Using Subvalent Nitrogen Species

10月. 25, Sumit Sharma, Understanding Protein – Protein and Protein – Ligand Interactions Using Molecular Simulations

11月. 8, Olga Zabotina, Xyloglucan-synthesizing glycosyltransferases: some updates on their function and organization in Golgi

11月. 15, Sherri McFarland, Tackling Cancer and Infection with Light-Responsive Molecules

11月. 29, Erin Murphy, A big role for a small RNA: Protection from a self-lethal protein by a small RNA in the pathogenic bacterium Shigella flexneri

12月. 6, Casey Wade, Bioinspired Reactivity in Metal-Organic Frameworks


1月. 30, Ognjen Miljanic, Greenhouse Capture in Porous Molecular Crystals

2月. 20, Jixin Chen, A Few 研究 and Teaching Examples of Chemical Kinetics

March 20, Richard Hooley, Biomimicry with Synthetic Receptors: Molecular Recognition, Catalysis and Sensing

March 27, Breeanna Urbanowicz, Plant cell wall biosynthesis—from genes to function

April 3, Pavel Anzenbacher, Two stories: Chemical Reactions in Atto-Liter Reactors and Self-Organizing Receptors and Sensors for Phosphate Anions

April 17, Justin Holub, Monitoring ligand-mediated helix 12 transitions within the human estrogen receptor α using bipartite tetracysteine display


10月. 10, Michael Jensen, 化学 and dynamics of 3-center-3-electron M-H-B bonds

10月. 24, Dave Drabold, Atomistic simulation of disordered materials

11月. 7, Sanjaya Abeysirigunawardena, Ribosomal RNA modification enzymes influence ribosome assembly

11月. 14, Ronan Carroll, RNA-based regulation in the human pathogen Staphylococcus aureus

11月. 21, Eric Masson, Self-assembling molecular Lego: showcasing the Cucurbituril and Lanthanide kits


March 28, John Wetzel, Tips for 俄亥俄州 化学 Students Seeking Jobs in the Pharmaceutical Industry

April 4, Irina Nesterova, Quantitative Analysis of Biomolecules: from Stoichiometry to Artificial Enzymes

April 11, Lydia Kisley, Single molecule imaging of complex materials: chromatography and corrosion

April 18, Paul Cremer, Exploring the Binding of Ions to Polymers in Aqueous Salt Solutions

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