
Masters of 音乐 Degree 在教育


Although the focus of the program is upon preparation to be a more skillful teacher, many options are possible, including preparation for music administration and supervision. The degree program prepares students for permanent certification and doctoral study leading to college teaching. The coursework is divided equally among music education and other areas such as music theory, 音乐的历史, 爵士乐的研究, and applied music (including conducting).

Candidates will be able to:

  • Interpret and evaluate research in music education
  • take leadership roles in the field of music education
  • apply effective strategies for student learning
  • write articles and research in the field of music education

Master of 音乐教育 Program (MM5182)

The focus of the graduate degree program in 音乐教育 is upon preparation to be a more skillful teacher. The course work is divided equally between music education and other studies with many possible options, varying according to the student's needs and interests. Students completing the graduate program receive the Master of 音乐 degree in 音乐教育.

Graduate assistantships, scholarships and awards are available for graduate 音乐教育 students. 联系 the 音乐学院 for specific information.

admission requirements [pdf]
View online Masters of 音乐教育


Students completing this degree often teach music in the public schools, or go on to doctoral programs in music education.

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The application requires a minimum GPA of 3.0, a teaching sample, an academic writing sample and a letter of recommendation. Additional details are available from the music education department.



Dr. 彼得·哈雷
Assistant Professor of Instruction, Choral 音乐教育 

Assistant Professor of Instruction, Instrumental 音乐教育


Adjunct Professor of 音乐教育