


请 carefully review the 俄亥俄州 餐饮 policy below when planning your next catered event: 


俄亥俄州餐饮服务的餐饮服务请求应在线使用我们的 门户网站.

俄亥俄州餐饮办公室, located in 贝克大学中心 125 is open to accept orders Monday - Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM, 不包括假期.  可以拨打740联系该办公室.593.4035或发邮件 catering@俄亥俄州.edu.

在规划餐饮服务时,我们要求您尽可能提前计划. We would like you to contact our 餐饮 office at least two (2) weeks prior to your event, 在任何情况下均不得少于五(5)个工作日. 两周的时间给我们足够的时间为你策划最好的活动, 安排我们的员工并点餐, 饮料和亚麻制品. 俄亥俄州 餐饮 will make every effort to satisfy your requests for functions booked less than five (5) business days prior to the event date. 滞纳金将为放置添加, or changing an order with fewer than 5 business days lead time: 25% Late Fee for 4 days; 35% Late Fee for 2-3 days; 45% Late Fee for 1 day or same day.


  • 部门或组名.
  • 如果向部门、账单授权或信用卡收费,则帐户号码.
  • 联系方式,最好是手机号码.
  • 需要素食或纯素餐.
  • 特殊饮食注意事项.
  • 特殊布局需求(预留座位、桌首、桌脚).
  • 如果计划户外活动,雨地点.
  • 中国或一次性服务.
  • Style of service: 自助餐; 服务; Delivery/Setup; Delivery/Drop-off; Carryout.
  • 节目细节-颁奖典礼,演讲等.
  • 插花和中心装饰品.
  • 预算参数.
  • 服务 -所有的菜都在餐桌上提供给每个人. Depending on the time constraints of your event, the salad 和/or dessert courses can be pre-set. 定价是基于单一菜单的套餐选择,加上无麸质/素食选项.
  • 自助餐 -这种服务方式提供多种菜单选择. 食物的数量将准备充分,以满足保证的客人数量. 然而,这并不意味着自助餐就是你能吃到的全部. A buffet is suggested when the following may occur: guests arriving at different times; physical layout of the room; mixed crowd requiring a varied menu; lack of facilities to serve formally; or a more informal style of event.
  • 交付设置/皮卡 -在需要安装的校园交货. 请一定要订足够的桌子 事件服务 对于 贝克大学中心, 沃尔特圆形大厅, 坦普尔顿-布莱克本校友纪念礼堂室外空间,或from 流动及盈余 for food 和 beverage service 和 have them set up at least three (3) hours before the event is to begin. We will setup approximately 15 minutes before your event is to begin unless instructed otherwise. 如果您需要在活动结束时及时接机, 请务必在安排餐饮服务时注明. 在贝克大学中心以外的任何订单都将增加送货费. 送货时间从早上7点到晚上10点. 请 make arrangements with academic buildings when scheduling a delivery at a time before or after the building is open to the public. 在此时间之前或之后的任何交付可能会因时间而产生额外费用, 客人数量和地点. 价格包括所有设备的运费. All equipment is the sole property of 俄亥俄州 餐饮 和 must be secured by the customer until 捡起 by our staff. 任何未退还或退还的设备损坏将收取全额更换费用.
  • 交付下降 -在校园内送货,不需要设置,也不需要取货/清理. 在贝克大学中心以外的任何订单都将增加送货费. 如果菜单要求使用可重复使用的设备,则不会发生丢弃. 送货时间在早上7点到晚上10点之间. 在此时间之前或之后的任何交付可能会因时间而产生额外费用, 客人数量和地点.
  • 皮卡服务 – 可以为您想要取的物品安排外卖服务 贝克大学中心室 125     星期一- - - - - - 星期五上午8点至下午4:30. 您有责任及时归还在您的活动中使用过的任何设备. Your account will be charged for any equipment that has been damaged or is not returned within two (2) business days from the date of your event.


  • A deposit of 50% of the total event price is required for all events scheduled by an off-camps entity. 该押金至少在活动前三十(30)天退还, 和 refundable up to 50% at least eleven (11) business days prior to the event cancellation. The deposit is non-refundable if cancelling within ten (10) business days of the scheduled event. 全套服务的晚餐包括适当的服务员的费用. 早餐/午餐自助餐和招待会不包括服务员的费用. 以下是增加人员的费用:
    • 服务器/服务员-最少4小时,每小时17美元
    • 酒保——每小时17美元,至少4小时. 酒吧服务至少2小时.)
  • 送货费用
    • 送货上门:25美元
    • 送货/上门服务$60
    • 亚麻费:100美元以下的订单将增加桌裙的费用.
    • A $3.搬离贝克大学中心的费用为每人00美元.
    • 按美国国税局标准里程税率计算的里程(目前为$.校外活动每英里545美元) 校外活动 除了标准送货费.
  • 非现场活动需要15%的人工和人员服务费.


我们保留根据地点调整或更改广告价格的权利, 季节性产品的可用性和当前产品的市场价格. 合同一旦签订,你们的价格就有保证了. Sales tax will be added to the bill for all non-俄亥俄州 University events unless proof of exemption is provided.


这些视频教程将帮助客户通过我们的网站下订单 CaterZen平台






  • 在预订时,我们将发送一份活动表给您,以供您最终批准. We ask that you sign the event sheet to verify that you underst和 the menu charges 和 then return it within 24 hours to the 俄亥俄州 餐饮 office. 在安排事件时,必须传达估计的计数. At this point, 俄亥俄州 餐饮 will plan 和 schedule for all the guests that you indicate will attend.
  •  A 保证数 must be given to the 俄亥俄州 餐饮 office by 4 PM no later than five (5) business days prior to the event (Monday is the deadline in the case of an event for the following Monday). The number can be increased up to 72 hours prior to the event, but the number cannot be decreased. 保证数量是我们将安排的数量, 准备并计费(除非你的实际出席率高于保证). A late fee will be added to any order placed or changed with fewer than five (5) business days’ notice.
  • If no final count is obtained, we will prepare 和 charge for the original number of guests. Cancellations up to eleven (11) business days prior to the event are without charge (except in the case of an off-campus entity deposit, 这是50%的收费). On-campus entities cancelling within ten (10) business days of the event will be charged 50% of the price of the event. On-campus entities cancelling with three (3) business days of the event will result in a full charge of the entire event.


请 reserve all non-food related equipment 和 arrangements by contacting 俄亥俄州 University 事件服务 at 740.593.4000. 所有与食品无关的设备和安排包括房间预订, 设置和房间配置, 技术和视听需求, 以及其他设施相关信息.

请注意,任何亚麻布, 中国, cutlery 和 décor items rented from an entity other than 俄亥俄州 餐饮 is the responsibility of the person/group/department who ordered them. 俄亥俄州餐饮可以协助这些项目上的事件, 但将不负责这些项目的收据或退还给外部供应商. 请安排这些物品, 交付, 捡起, 并且在你的活动之前安排好了.


俄亥俄州 University takes exceptional care to follow recommended proper food h和ling procedures in the best interests of our clients 和 guests to help reduce the risk of foodborne illness. 像这样, we have certain service guidelines designed to help us maintain this high level of food safety practice. These guidelines include not serving or making available for service any food or beverage that was not produced or supplied by 俄亥俄州 University 餐饮服务 or one of our approved vendors; adhering to time limits that food may be held safely for service; limiting the service of certain foods to certain locations 和 conditions under which food safety guidelines can be upheld; 和 keeping customers from removing perishable foods from functions for later consumption. These 和 other guidelines have been put in place to help protect you 和 the University from the risks of foodborne illness. 请与我们的高级餐饮经理讨论酒精饮料的服务 catering@俄亥俄州.edu or 740.593.确保符合 大学酒精政策.


  • 俄亥俄州餐饮保留根据产品供应情况更换项目的权利. 我们将尽一切努力尽可能提前通知您这一变化.
  • 俄亥俄州 餐饮 reserves the right to adjust prices at any time in response to fluctuations in food 和 labor costs.
  • 如有特殊饮食要求,请与高级餐饮经理讨论 catering@俄亥俄州.edu or 740.593.4035.
  • All events planned to be served outdoors, must have an emergency plan in case of inclement weather.

如果你觉得你的活动应该免除俄亥俄州餐饮, 请联系Chuck Wagers, 零售营运助理总监, at 740.593.4036 or wagers@俄亥俄州.edu





  • 餐饮订单需要至少在5个工作日内完成  在活动日期之前. 如果你遇到时间限制或意外事件发生, 请致电餐饮办公室寻求帮助.
  • Final counts need to be called or emailed to the catering office at least five business days 在活动日期之前.
  • 我们自动在你方报价的基础上加5%. 如果您的实际计数高于保证计数, 您将根据客人的实际人数收费. 如果您的实际计数低于保证计数, 您将按所提供的保证数量收费. 
  • 请 newbb电子平台 预约在740点讨论你的活动.593.4035 or catering@俄亥俄州.edu.