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Intern, Volunteer, and Work Opportunities

你不必为了在国外获得有意义的经历而参加课程. 有很多实习、志愿者,甚至在国外工作的机会. 在探索这些选项时,您需要确保:

  • Research and vet any organization you are traveling with: 并不是每个提供这些类型体验的提供者/组织都是有信誉的, or engaging in ethical practices. 确保在供应商的网站之外查看他们提供的体验的评论. 
  • 了解与您的具体旅行目标相关的出入境要求. Volunteering, 在国外实习和工作可能需要不同的签证申请和处理程序,这取决于国家. 仔细研究你计划在国外的经历所需的签证类型.
  • Engage in Ethical Practices: 
    • 考虑一下你所从事的工作是否安全,是否符合职业道德. Ask yourself: Would I be allowed to do this in the U.S.?  Will/have I been properly trained?
      • 你要确保你是在你的经验范围内参与的. 如果做不到这一点,可能会对你未来的职业前景产生影响, cause legal issues with local officials,  as well as negatively impact those you were trying to assist.  
    • 考虑一下你所做的工作对当地社区来说是否具有可持续性. 如果一个组织没有与当地社区建立伙伴关系/联系,那么你所从事的项目可能会带来弊大于利的风险. 
  • Understand your funding options. 经济援助和奖学金通常仅限于有学分的经历. 因此,你可能不得不依靠创造性的资金来源/个人储蓄来资助你的体验.

Intern Abroad

出国实习是培养实用技能的好方法,可以为你的简历增色, improve your interview abilities, and help you land a job after graduation.

  • Funding - 国外实习通常是没有报酬的,而且可能需要学生支付项目费用才能参加. 费用因地点、时间、费用和住房而有很大差异. Keep in mind that longer internships are generally a better value; the longer you stay, the lower your per-week cost. 如果你正在获得学分,你可以使用全部或部分经济援助计划.
  • Credit - 实习期间,你可能会获得newbb电子平台的学分或转学分. 如果满足以下条件,你可能想在国外实习以获得学分:1)你的专业需要实习课程,或者2)你想使用你的经济援助计划.  Many students choose to not earn credit for their internship. They simply list it on their resume, 而不是在其他项目费用的基础上再支付学时学费.

Where to find opportunities:

Some OHIO Credit Opportunities (COST, OHIO in LA, Scripps in DC)有直接纳入课程的实习/实习经历. Many students also explore opportunities through our affiliated providers or by searching the internet.

What to look for when comparing options:

  • Flexible vs. fixed start dates
  • Customization of placement vs. pre-set duties
  • Fees for interviewing or inclusions
  • Level of program independence or support
  • Language requirements
  • Housing/location
  • Visa support

Regardless of the program you settle on, 在你选择和申请一个项目之前,你要确保你阅读了所有的细则. 如果您对某个项目有任何担忧或疑问,请不要犹豫与我们的办公室联系.

Intern with ISA and TEAN

WorldStrides, 是俄亥俄州全球机遇办公室的附属合作伙伴, 通过其子公司ISA和TEAN提供实习编程. 他们会帮你定制一份符合你技能的实习工作, 目标和兴趣的经验,一定会帮助启动你的职业生涯和推动你的个人成长.

In addition to finding your internship opportunities, ISA and TEAN arrange your housing, airport pick up, 并在整个项目中举办文化活动,这样你就可以了解项目中的其他学生以及当地人. 通过俄亥俄州值得信赖的合作伙伴实习,可以更容易地在国外找到实习机会, with a guarantee that the internship is reputable.

Learn more about

Volunteer Abroad

以志愿者为基础的全球经验可以是一种丰富和沉浸式的服务社区的方式. 通过仔细比较和评估志愿者组织的道德规范, you can ensure your volunteer work has a lasting, positive impact on the community you’ll be serving.

  • Funding: 大多数组织要求学生支付项目费用才能参加.  费用因地点、持续时间、费用和住房而有很大差异. 请记住,较长的程序通常更有价值. The longer you stay, the lower your per-week costs tend to be.
  • Credit: Most volunteer projects do not offer credit for the experience, 所以你不能用你的经济援助计划来支付费用,而且可能在寻找奖学金方面受到限制. 如果你正在获得学分,你可以使用全部或部分经济援助计划.

Where to find opportunities:

俄亥俄州立大学提供了一些有学分的学习项目,其中包括志愿者或服务学习的组成部分. Dominican Republic: Community Engagement). 你也可以浏览一些志愿者组织的数据库. We recommend using (1), (2)

What to look for when comparing options:

想想你在实地的经历和你的持久影响. Consider the following when comparing:

  • Impact on local community
    • 信誉良好的组织将支持社区驱动的项目, thoughtfully engage and prepare volunteers, and think critically about their long-term impact. When researching, consider:
      • 当地社区如何参与决定需要哪些志愿工作?
      • 组织如何使项目在未来能够自我维持?
      • How long has the organization been in operation?
      • How does the project include/employ the host community?
      • How do they screen and train volunteers?
      • What does the program fee include? 有多少费用会捐给你正在工作的事业/社区?
      • What is the organization’s larger mission? Are they religiously, politically, or otherwise affiliated?
  • Flexible vs. fixed dates
  • Customization of placement vs. pre-set duties
  • Fees for applying and inclusions
  • Level of program independence or support
  • Language requirements
  • Housing/location
  • Visa support

Before you choose and apply/commit to a program, 我们强烈建议您阅读与体验相关的所有细则. 如果您对某个项目有任何担忧或疑问,请不要犹豫与我们的办公室联系.

Work Abroad

在你的职业道路上,出国工作是一个让你从其他候选人中脱颖而出的好方法. 通过参观沃尔特newbb电子平台中心并与顾问交谈,您将了解到我们学生喜欢的课程信息. However, 全球机会办公室强烈建议你在选择和申请一个项目之前阅读所有的细则. 如果您对某个项目有任何担忧或疑问,请不要犹豫与我们的办公室联系.