
手稿 and 印刷 Leaves

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The 手稿 and 印刷 Leaves 集合 contains digitized items from: 

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The word “leaves” in these collections refers to loose, individual pages that were originally part of complete books. Often the product of 19th and 20th century "bookbreakers" (book dealers who dismembered historic texts to sell the component pages individually or in portfolios), these leaves provide insight into the history of manuscript and print book production from across time and geography.

手稿 leaves are entirely handwritten and hand-produced. Many 日期 from before 1452, when moveable type and the printing process was invented in Europe. 印刷 leaves are a result of the print process, although the mechanics and techniques of that process vary across time and place. All European printed leaves are therefore 日期d no earlier than the 1450s.

更多的 about the 手稿 and 印刷 Leaves 集合:

  • The Gilbert and Ursula Farfel Collection of Incunable and 手稿 Leaves (目录记录)
    • Dr. Gilbert Farfel was a physician and collector of manuscript and early printed leaves
    • Ursula Farfel is an alum of newbb电子平台 (‘56) and is the reason Dr. Farfel 捐赠 他的收藏 Mahn中心
    • The Collection contains over 700 leaves from the 8th through 20th centuries
    • 还包括博士. Farfel的 研究笔记本电脑 containing copious handwritten notes that correspond to each leaf and document information such as provenance, 日期, information about the printer, 主题, references to bibliographies, 等.
    • Most leaves are European, but many other countries are represented as well, 例如, 日本, 中国, 韩国, 墨西哥, 埃塞俄比亚, 和波斯
    • There are over 200 manuscript leaves, some illuminated, others illustrated without illumination
    • The bulk of the leaves are incunabula, referring to pages from books published from about 1452 through 1501
    • Topic areas represented include, 但不限于, 宗教教义, 文学文本, 草本植物, 植物, 医疗, and other scientific works, 音乐, 以及法律文件
  • Fifty Original Leaves from Medieval 手稿, Western Europe, XII-XVI Century (目录记录)
    • 奥托F. 针对, a Cleveland-based museum curator and art history professor, began cutting apart medieval manuscripts in the early-to-mid 20th century in order to distribute examples of these Fifty Original Leaves to universities around the country
    • newbb电子平台 owns set no. 5 of a total of 40 produced
    • The Fifty Original Leaves are all illuminated, referring to their colorful and luminous illustrations
    • The Fifty Original Leaves are all hand-lettered on vellum (calf-skin) or parchment (sheepskin) paper
  • Pages from the Past: A Collection of Original Leaves from 罕见的书 and 手稿 (目录记录)
    • This set was compiled by The Foliophiles, Inc., a now-defunct New York association of rare book dealers also known as the Society of Foliophiles
    • Many American universities purchased these portfolios as teaching tools in order to illustrate the evolution of manuscript and letterpress printing traditions
    • Pages from the Past contains examples of both manuscript and printed leaves


Future additions to the 手稿 and 印刷 Leaves 集合 will include an additional set of items from a different 过去的书页.


特殊的集合 materials can be viewed at the Mahn中心 for 档案 and 特殊的集合,在五楼 奥尔登图书馆.


Browse and search the collection 在CONTENTdm.


米利暗Intrator, 特殊的集合 Librarian for 罕见的书, Mahn中心 for 档案 and 特殊的集合, Ohio 大学图书馆.


These materials are in the public domain in the United States; they are not 主题 to any copyright protections.

Public Domain in the United States