


newbb电子平台将转学状态定义为高中毕业后在另一个地区认可的机构完成9个学期或12个季度以上的学生. Transfer students must contact the Office of Admissions for consideration to enroll on OHIO’s campus. Once admitted, a transfer student should then complete a ‘Transfer Student Contract’ at 住房自助服务.


23岁以下的转学生在高中毕业后不能在高等教育机构出勤两年(秋季/春季/秋季/春季学期),必须居住在newbb电子平台拥有的住房中,并参加相关的强制性膳食计划. 在学生入学的学期之前,必须证明学生有两年的出勤时间,才有资格住在校外.

Students can also request an exemption to the residency requirement if certain conditions are met, 包括结婚, 父母带孩子, 服役18个月的老兵, 或被批准的学业缺勤(因病休学), 出国留学, 通过实习). 请参阅 住房需求  section of this website for more information about 住房需求s and the housing exemption review process. Students must be approved to live off-campus by the exemption committee prior to signing an off-campus lease.


如果您对住房选择有更多的问题或担忧, 请致电或发短信740与住房和居住部联系.593.4090或发邮件  housing@bikinganteng.com.



The most important thing you can do is to review all the information from 住房和居住生活. This page contains information designed to outline the process and answer many of the questions you might have. We also recommend that you regularly review the information that is sent to your newbb电子平台 email account. 来自住房和居住生活的信息将来自 housing@bikinganteng.com.

You can also receive updates to keep you on track by following 住房和居住生活 on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Contract & 存款支付

为了住在校园里,你需要完成一份住房合同. A housing contract is considered final once it has been fully completed and a $200 housing deposit/pre-payment has been made. Visit our 房屋合约教程页面 了解更多细节和完成合同的一步一步指导.



作为一名转校生, there are a few options available when it comes to housing assignments for the fall semester. 以下是您可以从中选择的选项的信息.

OPTION 1: 通过访问 第一年和学生过渡页面. Students in this class will be assigned to spaces on the Transfer Residential Learning Community in either Bromley or Adams Halls.

OPTION 2: Transfer students have the option of participating in the 返校学生房间选择 process March 25-28, 2024 if they have completed their contract and submitted the housing deposit by February 28, 2024. 在此过程中,只要所有学生在2月28日截止日期前完成合同和押金,转学生可以单独选择或与最多三名其他二年级/转学生匹配.

OPTION 3: Transfer students have the option of participating in the 第一年房间选择 process on May 20-23, 2024 if they have completed their contract and submitted the housing deposit by May 15, 2024. 在这个过程中,转校生只有在与一年级学生匹配的情况下才能参加,只要转校生希望匹配的一年级学生也在5月15日截止日期前完成了合同和押金. 有关此过程中的详细步骤,请访问 第一年房间选择 page.

OPTION 4: 在5月15日之后完成合同/押金的转学生, 或者不参与这两个过程的人, 会被安排在二年级宿舍的可用空间吗. 任何室友请求或作业请求都可以通过发送电子邮件到 housing@bikinganteng.com 在被指派之前. 完成任务后, 所有的房间更换将通过房间更换流程进行(截止到8月1日).

作为春季学期的转校生,将被安排在二年级宿舍内的可用空间. 任何室友或作业请求都可以通过发送电子邮件到 housing@bikinganteng.com 12月1日之前.




Transfer students should contact the newbb电子平台 Undergraduate Admissions Office and ask about the transfer process. 你也可以参观newbb电子平台 转移网站 查看清单和其他相关信息.


住房和居住生活提供各种房间选择. 转学生可以要求与其他转学生住在一起, 现在是newbb电子平台二年级的学生, 或者是一年级学生,如果从秋季学期开始转校的话.

Transfer students have the option of participating in the 返校学生房间选择 process that takes place March 25-28, 2024 if they have completed their contract and submitted the housing deposit by February 28, 2024. 在这个过程中,只要所有学生在2月22日之前完成合同和押金,转学生可以与最多三名其他二年级/转学生匹配, 2023年的最后期限.

转学生可以选择由一名有资格参加5月20日至23日举行的第一年房间选择过程的一年级学生拉进房间, 2024. 为了让转学生入住,他们必须在5月15日之前完成合同并提交住房押金, 并成功匹配到一个符合条件的一年级学生. 在此过程中,如果所有学生在5月15日截止日期之前完成了合同和押金,转学生可以与其他三名一年级/转学生匹配.

Transfer students who do not participate in either process will be placed in second year or upperclass halls. 任何室友请求或作业请求都可以通过发送电子邮件到 housing@bikinganteng.com 在被指派之前. 完成任务后, all room changes will be made through the Room Change Process.


Students within a matched roommate group will each have a designated date and time to select a room. 日期/时间最早的学生应完成选择. 一旦这个学生选择了一个房间, 所有其他匹配的室友将被拉进房间与学生.


学生将只能查看校园内可以容纳他们整个室友组的房间,以及与入学申请中注明的性别相对应的房间. Additional options can be viewed by sub-grouping during the room selection process or breaking up your matched group.


房间更换流程使学生可以查看其他可用的空间,而不必改变他们当前的分配,直到他们可以选择他们想要的新房间分配. 一旦学生选择了一个新的空间, their old assignment is then available for any other student looking for new spaces in the Room Change Process .  一旦学生选择了新房间, 不能保证他们的旧房间还能让他们住回去. Students can change rooms as many times as desired throughout the Room Change Process until August 1.


选择房间后,您的房间选择将立即列在您的 住房自助服务 概述,并将发送到您的俄亥俄电子邮件帐户.  

不小心选错房间的学生可以联系住房和居住部,要求取消他们的选择(以及被拉进来的室友)。. 学生将重新进入选择过程,必须在选择另一个房间之前重复添加/确认室友的过程. 请求删除并重新添加到选择过程中可能需要长达48个工作小时,并且一旦添加回来,房间的可用性将发生变化.


申请成为教职员(RA)的学生应填写住宿申请, 支付订金, 然后选择一个房间. 对于那些被选中成为RA的学生, you will be reassigned into your staff room once you have officially been extended a position. 申请成为教职员(RA)的学生应该完成一份住房合同, 支付订金, 然后选择一个房间. 对于那些被选中成为RA的学生, you will be reassigned into your staff room once you have officially been offered and accepted a position.

Should I select a room if I am interested in residing in a recognized fraternity or sorority?

希望居住在公认的兄弟会或姐妹会设施的学生将需要在12月1日开始完成姐妹会和兄弟会生活豁免请求以确定资格.  学生必须满足以下要求才能被考虑批准:

  • 必须是他们各自组织的成员 and 在申请截止日期前被列入该组织目前的名册.
  • Complete the Sorority and Fraternity Life Housing Exemption Request Form prior to August 
  • 总累积绩点达到2分.仅限2023年秋季和2024年春季学期成绩5分或以上. 暑期班不包括在内.
  • 在学校有良好的信誉. 在2024年8月1日之前,学生不得有任何未解决的行为或缓刑.
  • 在秋季学期之前,在newbb电子平台或以前的高等教育机构居住至少一年(秋季和春季学期),他们要求住在他们认可的兄弟会或姐妹会的房子里.
  • Have attended one in-person information session hosted by the Office of Sorority and Fraternity Life.

表格可以在你的 住房自助服务 在你完成第二年的住房合同之后.  All students who complete this application are removed from future room selection experiences.  Once 住房和居住生活 receives notice from the Office of Sorority and Fraternity Life that you have met all criteria, 你可以免交住宿费和餐费.  Students are usually reviewed and receive approval or denial between May 1 and August 1. 寻求豁免居住在希腊附属设施的学生不应该签署租约,直到他们通过电子邮件收到他们的请求批准.

提交住房合同的学生, 支付订金, 如果在5月1日之前提出豁免申请,并且学生在房间选择期间没有选择(或被拉进)房间,则决定住在公认的希腊住房中,将收到押金退款.  5月1日之后收到的豁免申请将没有资格获得押金退款. 

I am interested in Gender Inclusive Housing or the LGBTQ living community, what should I do?

对扩大性别包容性住房选择感兴趣的学生可以访问他们的 住房自助服务 页面并更新它们的 个人信息 section. Students interested in the LGBTQ Experiential Living Opportunity must successfully apply. Applications for consideration are due prior to selection if you are interested in this community. 

More information on Gender Inclusive Housing and the supplemental application can be found here.




四人房(布罗姆利), Carr, Luchs, Sowle, and Tanaka) typically will not remain available for selection past the first two days of the selection process. 

Mod style facilities consisting of adjacent singles and doubles will be available to accommodate roommate groups with four people.  

住在亚当斯的学生, Bromley, Carr, Luchs, Sowle, 和田中负责打扫浴室. 另外, 隐私锁位于浴室门的内侧, 但不位于浴室门的外侧, 哪个可以通过连接的浴室从一个房间进入另一个房间.


Yes, 学生可以选择进入校园的任何房间,只要房间里至少有一个可用的空间,而不需要与其他学生匹配. However, 我们建议您随机选择双人间或套房风格的空间, 你要找那些已经有学生选择入住的房间. 住房和居住生活将积极地将学生整合到相同的房间类型空间中,以允许任何匹配的室友群体在选择时保持在一起.


Unfortunately, spaces cannot be held for students who have not yet been admitted to newbb电子平台. 我们建议学生在入学后尽快完成住房合同,以便在房间选择过程中选择房间之前进行室友匹配.

请透过电邮联络房屋署 housing@bikinganteng.com 如果你有朋友要转过来,你想和他一起住.  

What resources are available to 转学 once they have transitioned to campus at newbb电子平台?

There are many services and programs available on campus to help transfer students make their transition to the Athens campus. Residential students should direct questions or concerns to the Resident Advisor (RA) within their residence hall. RAs can assist with connecting students with campus resources and with other students.

另外, 住房和居住生活有大厅内的专业工作人员(住宿主任), 助理驻地主任, 和研究生住校主任),他们与所有住校学生一起建立一个积极的生活环境,发展一个强大的社区.


配置摘要显示了关于每个大厅的快速事实, 包括容量, 任何居住在那里的特殊社区, 如果有洗衣房的话, 还有其他有趣的事实: 大厅配置概况
