

The 校长教师奖 is presented annually to a faculty member based on excellence in teaching and meritorious academic pursuits both inside and outside the classroom, as acknowledged by peers and students. Presidential Teachers implement highly effective teaching practices and innovations, 影响课程设置, mentor students and colleagues, and engage in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.

Each award recipient will hold the title of Presidential Teacher for three years.


All newbb电子平台 faculty, alumni, and students may make nominations.

Nominated faculty must be full-time 终身 faculty from one of newbb电子平台's campuses.

任期内d faculty may be identified by the title Associate Professor or Professor.

Those making nominations who are unsure about whether or not the teacher they wish to nominate is a 终身 faculty member should check the prospective nominee’s regional campus, 部门, 或者学校网站.

Announcements inviting nominations will be sent out campus-wide during fall semester of each year. While multiple nominations for the same person are gladly accepted, they do not increase that person's chances of being selected as a Presidential Teacher.

Deadline for teaching award nominations is October 15. 



Nominated faculty who meet the eligibility requirements stated in the endowment (Group I, 终身, full-time members of the faculty from any of newbb电子平台's campuses) will receive an email notifying them of their nomination and inviting them to apply.

Nominees who wish to be considered should review 俄亥俄州’s conceptualization of teaching excellence and must submit a teaching portfolio that includes 以下几点:


  • 封面页
  • 目录表
  • Teaching Philosophy (1-2 pages)
  • List of courses taught and numbers of students enrolled for the last two years
  • List of numerical averages from student evaluations for the last two years, with 部门 averages if available
  • Sample/representative comments from student evaluations for the last two years
  • Teaching schedule for both fall and spring semesters


  • A narrative describing and evidence supporting how the applicant’s teaching reflects the conceptualization of excellence, with a focus on expertise and innovation.
  • A statement outlining curriculum developed/designed by the applicant and/or the way the applicant has influenced curricular design and deployment.
  • A description of the specific ways the applicant mentors and advises undergraduate students related to the curriculum and their future careers.
  • A description of thesis and dissertation advising.
  • A statement of activities related to mentoring faculty and colleagues.
  • An outline of additional promotion of teaching excellence through, 但不限于, 以下几点:
    • 车间
    • 座谈会
    • Scholarship of Teaching, Learning and Assessment
    • 出版物
    • 会议
    • 教学经费

The complete portfolio must be no more than 20 typed pages using 1.5行间距, 12点字体, 小不点的利润率, and headers with the applicant’s name and page numbers. Appendices will not be accepted.

The portfolio should be submitted electronically, in either Microsoft Word or PDF format, to the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment at ctla@俄亥俄州.edu 到今天结束的时候 11月. 13.


The 校长教师奖 选拔委员会 evaluates applicants. 该委员会, selected by the Vice Provost for 教师 Development and approved by the president, 是由六名全职员工组成的吗, tenure-track faculty (three of whom are Presidential Teachers), one undergraduate student and one graduate student.

Students and faculty from the College of Osteopathic Medicine may serve.

教师 members on the committee serve three-year rotating terms. 学生的学期为一年.

该委员会 can select up to two faculty for awards annually. However, the committee may choose not to give any awards if no applicants meet the award standards.

Questions regarding applications and the selection process may be directed to 凯蒂·哈特曼, Vice Provost for 教师 Development.

Past recipients of the 校长教师奖