


The 斯克里普斯传播学院 多元委员会 consists of faculty members from each of the five schools in the college, WOUB公共媒体, 以及研究生和本科生.

The committee strives to create and maintain a culture that actively and intentionally promotes both the college’s and newbb电子平台的愿景 促进多样性和包容性.

The committee’s work within the college is guided by college’s conception of diversity and inclusion:

The 斯克里普斯传播学院's concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It is understanding that each individual has a unique set of life experiences shaped along the dimensions of race, 种族, 性别, 性取向和性别认同, 社会经济地位, 年龄, 能力, 和宗教, 政治, 以及意识形态信仰. It is about understanding one another and moving beyond simple tolerance to embracing and celebrating the distinct attributes of each individual. The College embraces diversity and the exploration of varied life experiences in a positive and nurturing environment.

The committee works to support diversity and inclusion within the college through undergraduate scholarships, 校园节目的支持, and the promotion of student and faculty research.


Thanks to an endowment from the Scripps Howard Foundation the Committee is able to offer support in a number of ways.

  • 学生奖学金

    The committee provides $10,000 in scholarships to Scripps students from underrepresented groups. Eligible students may apply for these scholarships as part of each school’s general scholarship application. Interested students may contact their school’s scholarship coordinator or the committee member from their respective school for additional information.

  • 编程支持

    教师, 工作人员, and students may apply for funding to support programming related to members of underrepresented communities. 资金可用于支持酬金, 食物, 住宿, 和交通相关的项目.

  • 学生旅费资助

    Graduate and undergraduate students may apply for support to help defray costs for travel to academic or professional conferences. 

  • 研究生研究支持

    Graduate students may apply for support of their master’s thesis/project or dissertation research. Eligible graduate students must either be from an underrepresented group or their research must involve an underrepresented group.

  • 教师Mini-Grants

    教师 members in the college are encour年龄d to apply for mini-grants to support research and teaching efforts that promote diversity and inclusion. 

  • 申请的最后期限

    Applications are accepted on a rolling basis up until Nov 1 for fall semester and March 1 for spring semester. The committee prefers that materials be submitted by these dates, but reserves the right to consider requests outside of these timeframes if necessary.



加里Kirksey is a professor in the School of Visual Communication. Gary has been active in the National Association of Black Journalists serving as the past chair of the Visual Task Force within NABJ.  除了他的广告工作, Gary's photography has been featured in publications including the Wall Street Journal, 华盛顿邮报, 和《newbb电子平台》杂志.


马克·特纳(马克•特纳)是麻省理工学院的助理教授.W. 斯克里普斯新闻学院. Turner is the former executive news editor at the Akron Beacon Journal. 在加入普利策奖之前


特雷弗·罗伊克罗夫特是J. Warren McClure School of Emerging Communication Technologies, where he conducts graduate and undergraduate courses in regulatory policy and law, 隐私, and the economics of information and telecommunication industries.


米娅沃尔什 is a sophomore studying journalism at 俄亥俄州 and a Cutler Scholar. 在线杂志,她是seam部分的编辑. Mia is also the 斯克里普斯学院 Representative for Bobcat Student Orientation. She regularly writes for both 线杂志 and Backdrop Magazine on campus.


罗杰·库珀 is an Associate Professor of Media Arts and Studies at newbb电子平台 and Director of the 俄亥俄州-in-Los Angeles Program. He focuses on career development in the media and creative industries. He is a recipient of the University Professor Award. Roger has published research on the attributes of career success and presented papers and panels at national and international conferences.


帕特里夏·波特 is a senior studying photojournalism with a Diversity Studies certificate at newbb电子平台. 她是VISCOM学者,也是院长名单上的一员. 她是市场部的 & Communications Man年龄r of Athena Cinema and is a VISCOM ambassador. 她曾为《newbb电子》杂志工作, 线杂志, 东南俄亥俄杂志, 《newbb电子》和《邮报.


Atish由捐款者驱动 is the editor in chief at WOUB公共媒体. 自2012年以来,他一直在WOUB和newbb电子平台工作. 在WOUB之前, Atish served as a general assignment reporter in Charleston West Virginia, and as an anchor reporter at WHIZ-TV in 赞斯维尔 Ohio. Atish been on the committee since 2015 and served as chair from 2017 to 2019.


伊伊曼 is an international doctoral student in the health communication track at the School of Communication Studies. She practiced dentistry and health care administration in India. 目前, her interest lies in women's health specifically negotiating stigmatization against menstruation in terms of culture and 性别.