Alcohol EDU and Sexual Assault Course Information

Keeping Bobcats Safe

  • Students are required to complete two online courses from Vector Solutions; Alcohol Edu for New First Year Students and Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates.
  • These mandatory courses will be launched around October 1, 2023. Once the courses are launched, you will receive email communication from Vector Solutions regarding how to access your course. The course is due 30 days after you receive the assignment.
  • All first-year Ohio University students, including transfer students, are required to successfully complete the online education for college.
  • College credit hours earned in high school do not exempt you from this requirement, regardless of the hours earned. 
  • Check your OHIO Catmail for more information and instructions!

About the Courses

Alcohol Edu/SAPU, are online alcohol education and sexual violence harm-reduction courses. Both are offered to all first-year students at Ohio University. Alcohol Edu/SAPU incorporates evidence-based methods to empower students to make well-informed decisions that will contribute to a safe campus environment for everyone. You'll find the courses are interesting and gets you involved. It includes instant feedback, video clips, and comparisons to other college students. It takes about 2 ½ hours to complete and can be taken on any computer that has audio capabilities and is connected to the Internet. 


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