Artistic rendering of colorful campus buildings


The 幸存者倡导项目 (SAP) provides services to ALL student 幸存者s and co-幸存者s of newbb电子平台, 不分种族, 性别认同, sexual orientation or when/where victimization occurred.

SAP的所有约会都是由客户主导的. This means that you are never expected to disclose more details than you are ready to share. Your first appointment with an advocate will include completing some necessary paperwork, 建立融洽的关系, discussing your needs and creating a plan for how SAP can best support you.

Below you will find a description of many of SAP's services and a flow chart that shows the various ways 幸存者s engage with SAP's services.


All staff in our department are licensed professionals who are not required to report instances of sexual misconduct to newbb电子平台's 大学股权 & Civil Rights Compliance (Title IX), law enforcement or any other investigating body. This means that you can speak with an advocate about your experience(s) without it automatically being reported. 辩护人会, 然而, inform you of your reporting options and assist you with the reporting process, should you wish to report the incident(s) yourself.


SAP advocates are trained to provide a supportive environment for 幸存者s. When you meet with an advocate you can expect to be believed and validated. Advocates can 提供支持 to you regardless of whether you choose to report incident(s) to Title IX and/or law enforcement.

危机干预 & 倡导服务:

The 幸存者倡导项目 (SAP) provides immediate crisis intervention and advocacy services to all student 幸存者s of newbb电子平台 and the people in their lives who have been impacted by the trauma.


We recognize that you will sometimes have time-sensitive requests during evenings and weekends when the 幸存者倡导项目 office is not open. 当类处于会话(i.e. 不在寒假期间), SAP advocates are available after hours and on the weekends to respond to urgent requests via our hotline. If you have a time-sensitive request, please call our hotline 740-597-SAFE (7233). If an advocate doesn't answer, please leave a message that includes your name, your request, and a 安全 我们可以用这个号码给你回电话. An advocate will return your call as soon as possible. If you are experiencing an emergency, call 911.


SAP提倡以幸存者为中心, trauma-informed policies and processes within our campus and community. 除了, a variety of individual advocacy services are available through SAP including, 但不限于:


Some 幸存者s wish to seek medical attention and/or to have a SAFE (Sexual Assault Forensic Examination) (sometimes called a SANE) exam conducted following a sexual assault. A SAFE exam includes a comprehensive medical assessment related to the sexual trauma and forensic evidence collection. This exam should be done within 96 hours after an assault and is done at no charge to the 幸存者. For more information about this process 请访问我们的医疗选择页面.

A SAP advocate can accompany you to the hospital during this exam to answer your questions, 提供支持, connect you to other resources and follow up care, as well as to discuss your options for reporting to law enforcement and/or the University. These exams are available at any time by presenting to the emergency department. Please call our hotline (740-597-SAFE (7233)) to request a SAP advocate's presence during a forensic exam.

If you do not wish to have a SAFE exam, SAP advocates can still assist with connecting you to medical resources on campus or in the community.


Any type of sexual misconduct that occurs against an newbb电子平台 student can be investigated by 大学股权 & 民权合规(ECRC). SAP advocates have extensive knowledge of Title IX and newbb电子平台’s investigation process. They can discuss this process with you, 探索您的报告选项, 讨论住宿, and help you prepare for and accompany you throughout the process including during resources and options meetings and investigatory interviews.

For more information about newbb电子平台’s sexual misconduct policy and investigations process visit the 公平和公民权利合规 网页.


We know that interpersonal violence doesn’t just affect the person who directly experienced the violence. SAP advocates can also 提供支持 for co-幸存者s (i.e. 家庭, 朋友, partners of 幸存者s) who have been impacted by the trauma that their loved ones experienced. We can also help you identify ways to support the 幸存者s in your life.

For a visualization of some of the ways 幸存者s interact with the 幸存者倡导项目, 查看以下流程图:

Click here to download the 幸存者倡导项目 Flow Chart [PDF] 
