

  • Opportunities for undergraduate research, internships, fieldwork and study abroad
  • Courses from across the university with a broad choice of individual focus
  • Preparation for careers in environmental resource management, 政府及非政府机构, 追求社会责任的企业, with a wide variety of roles from science to public policy
  • Flexibility in exploring sustainable initiatives in business and entrepreneurship
  • Preparation for graduate work such as environmental law or the Master of Science in 环境 Studies at newbb电子平台

教师联系: Dr. 南希Manring






环境科学 and Sustainability is a multi-disciplinary program that provides scientific knowledge of the natural world, 生活在其中的生物体, 社会科学是可持续发展的核心. Students learn the scientific principles that underlie environmental issues, 人类行为的影响, and the public policies and regulations that influence those actions.

The program is unique in its multi-disciplinary approach, drawing major requirements and electives from courses and expertise in 10 departments and programs across the College of Arts & 科学, the Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Service, and the College of Business. Students complete a core curriculum from a range of disciplines to provide a broad foundation in environmental science and sustainability issues and choose major electives from a variety of departments to tailor the program to their interests. 课程检查:

  • 生物和生态系统
  • 全球变暖和气候变化的影响
  • 土地利用和水资源管理
  • 从不同角度看可持续发展, from local issues in Appalachia to problems at the global level

Students who pursue this degree will be prepared for careers in environmental resource management, 政府及非政府机构, 追求社会责任的企业, with a wide variety of roles from science to public policy.

职业生涯 & 研究生院

Students who pursue this degree will be prepared for careers in environmental resource management, 政府及非政府机构, 承诺对社会负责的公司, and a wide range of roles in science as well as public policy. 除了提供核心科学技能, the multi-disciplinary focus of the program offers flexibility in exploring sustainable initiatives in business and entrepreneurship. 它为学生的研究生学习做准备, particularly in areas related to environmental law or the Master of Science in 环境 Studies at newbb电子平台.

Browse through dozens of Internship opportunities and full-time job postings for newbb电子平台 students and alumni on 握手(在新窗口中打开), 俄亥俄州研究工作的关键资源, 雇主, 研讨会, 以及专业发展活动.


Freshman/First-Year 入学: No requirements beyond University admission requirements.

Change of Program Policy: No selective or limited admission requirements.

External Transfer 入学: No requirements beyond University admission requirements.


  • 主代码BS2109


To complete this program, students must meet all University-wide graduation requirements.

艺术学院的大学水平要求 & 科学

View the 艺术学院的大学水平要求 & 科学.


Complete the following courses for a total of 43 credits:

  • PBIO 1000 - Plants and their Global Environment plus lab Credit Hours: 3+1
  • CAS 1415 - Introduction to 学时:3
  • PBIO 1140 -植物生物学基础
    or BIOS 1700 and BIOS 1705 - Biological Science I and Biological 科学 plus lab Credit Hours: 4
  • GEOG 1100 -自然地理学时:4
  • GEOL 2150 and GEOL 2020 - 环境 Geology and Introductory Geology Laboratory Credit Hours: 3+1
  • 数学1350 -调查微积分学时:4
  • SOC 1000 -社会学导论学分:3
  • 化学1210或1510-普通化学1学时:4
  • CHEM 1220 or 1520 - General Chemistry II Credit Hours: 4
  • GEOG 2400 -环境地理学时:3
  • PBIO 2090 -植物生态学学时:3
  • ECON 1030 - Principles of Microeconomics Credit Hours: 3



  • PHIL 3350 -环境伦理学时:3



  • PBIO 3150 - Statistical Methods in 植物生物学 Credit Hours: 4
  • GEOG 2170 - Introduction to Statistics in Geography Credit Hours: 3
  • 数学2500 -统计概论学时:3



  • ECON 3130 - Economics of the Environment Credit Hours: 3
  • 经济学3010C -利他主义经济学时:2
  • ECON 3350 -能源经济学学时:3
  • 经济3510 -农业发展学时:3
  • MKT 4100 -可持续营销学时:3



  • GEOG 3410 - Geography of Hunger and Food Security Credit Hours: 3
  • GEOG 4560 -正义 & 可持续城市学时:3
  • SOC 2300 - Social Inequalities and Social Change Credit Hours: 3
  • SOC 4810 -环境社会学学时:3



  • POLS 4840 -可持续发展的政治学时:3
  • ES 3620 - 环境科学 and Public Policy Credit Hours: 3
  • ES 4710 - Bioenergy: Science, Policy and Business Credit Hours: 3
  • POLS 4250 - 环境 and Natural Resource Politics and Policy Credit Hours: 3
  • GEOG 4520 - 环境 and Sustainability Planning Credit Hours: 3



  • PBIO 4940 -本科生研究学时:2
  • GEOG 4942 - 研究 Experience in 环境 Geography Credit Hours: 2
  • PBIO或GEOG 4910 -实习学时:2
  • ES 4832 - Sustainability Implementation Practicum Credit Hours: 3
  • ES 4910 - 环境 Studies Leadership Experience Credit Hours: 2


至少从两个系中选择四门课程, 至少修过两门3000或4000分的课程, 共计14-17学分:

  • BIOS 2200—保护 & 学时:3
  • GEOG 2680 -地理信息系统介绍 & 学时:3
  • geol2710 -水资源 & 学时:3
  • GEOL 2310 -水和污染学分:3
  • PBIO 2060 -可持续农业学时:3
  • BIOS或GEOG 3160 -生物地理学学分:3
  • 地质3020 -气候学学时:3
  • GEOG 3150地貌与景观
    或GEOL 3300 -地貌学学时:3
  • GEOG 3300 -欧洲地理学时:3
  • 地理3310 -非洲地理学时:3
  • GEOG 3330 -阿巴拉契亚:土地和人民学时:3
  • GEOG 3350 -拉丁美洲地理学时:3
  • GEOG 3430 - Global Issues in Environment Credit Hours: 3
  • 地理3440 -农业生态系统学时:3
  • GEOG 3450 - Access to Water in a Changing World Credit Hours: 3
  • 地质3580 -环境危害学时:3
  • GEOL 3060 - Geodata Analysis for Geological 科学 Credit Hours: 3
  • GEOL 3700 - Groundwater Fundamentals and Practices Credit Hours: 3
  • PBIO 3220 -热带生态学学时:3
  • PBIO 3260 -植物生态生理学
  • PBIO 3330 -恢复生态学学时:3
  • REC 3550 -生态旅游原则学分:3
  • SOC 3090 -阿巴拉契亚社会学学时:3
  • PBIO 4380 - Soil Properties and Ecosystems Processes Credit Hours: 4
  • BIOS 4310 -水生生物学时:3
  • ES 4250 -流域管理学时:3
  • ES 4300 -现场方法在ES学分:3
  • ES 4610 - Resilience Theory and Practice Credit Hours: 3
  • ES 4720 -能源系统和政策学时:3
  • ES 4730 - 环境 Entrepreneurship Credit Hours: 3
  • 地理4170 -景观生态学学时:3
  • GEOG 4660 -遥感学分:3
  • GEOG 4450 - Gender, Environment and Development Credit Hours: 3
  • GEOG 4470 - Natural Resource Conservation Credit Hours: 3
  • GEOL 4270 -水地球化学学时:3
  • GEOL 4750 - Watershed and Stream Hydrology Credit Hours: 3
  • GEOL 4800 -水文地质学学时:3



  • T3 4850 -可持续发展公民
  • T3 4080 -美国环境保护主义学时:3
  • T3 4010 - Climate Change and Public Health Credit Hours: 3
  • ES 4500 - 环境 Studies Capstone Credit Hours: 3


Suggested course to meet J course requirement or Advanced Writing requirement, depending on applicable General Education requirements for the student:

  • ENG 3100J - Environment and Sustainability Writing Credit Hours: 3